Gosh where did the summer go? Its the end of August and I can officially say that summer went by "TOO FAST"!!! I loved being home this summer with J man and going back to work last week wasn't the easiest thing I have ever done but the Lord is faithful and gracious with peace. Jack is adapting back to day care without a problem and I am trying to get the hang of all things Working Mother. I can say I value time much more now than I did even just a few months ago. Morning comes early when the rooster (aka alarm clock) crows at 5:15 but it truly makes the day go smoother when I have time in the morning. Kids returned to school yesterday and we are off and running. We have an entirely new schedule this year so I am still working on wrapping my brain around it and working out how lessons will work. Of course the year will most likely fly by and before I know it I will be posting about summer arriving!!
Jack is growing like a weed. He is over 18 lbs and I can definately tell he is growing when I carry him in the infant carrier!! This past weekend we celebrated being 8 months old with our first ear infection. It all began last week with a runny nose, sneezing and coughing and by the time Saturday rolled around he was tugging at his ears and super cranky. Thank goodness for the acute care doctors and a very short visit!! We left our house at 6:00 p.m. and left the doctors with prescription in hand at 6:30!!! A couple of doses of medicine has Jack on the mend. We are so very blessed because even when he doesn't feel well he does his best to be happy and laugh.
SO DAND CUTE!!!! He's a doll, babe!
hahaha this is so cute.
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